Thursday, February 28, 2013

Baylee's dance competition--2013!

Love this costume & this dance 'AHA', is what it is called!  Baylee did AWESOME at her competition!  Here are some fun pics of it all:)

Love my girls!

 Nice toe-stretch Bay!  Flexibility:) 

Blurry...but beautiful side tilt!

Yep...I need a new camera to take 'motion' pics!  This is Bay flying through the air doing her aerial!  We thought this pic was funny:)
She got 'High Gold' in all three dance routines! Nice job Bay!

1 comment:

jmbiglerfam said...

Marci, you look awesome in your hat and glasses and tights and beads and socks and boots...And Baylee looks more and more like you and Elle looks more and more like Baylee the older they get!!!